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QUARTER POUNDER WITH MOUSE? I don't know what is more frightening -- eating at McDonald's regularly even after reading Fast Food Nation and watching Super Size Me, or finding out that someone allegedly ate into a mouse/rat at a McDonald's within a mile and an hour of my own most recent Golden Arches fix. But that's what happened yesterday. I ate lunch at the Chinatown McDonald's in Boston. Last night, the local TV news showed that a man at the Downtown Crossing McD's supposedly bit a rat that somehow got wedged into his Quarter Pounder with cheese. Royale Deluxe indeed. Only I don't believe it entirely. McD's employees assemble the sammiches upon ordering, grabbing a burger patty then slapping on the bun and condiments. So you'd have to not even be paying attention to notice meat that has an entire rodent attached to it. Then again, we are talking about McDonald's employees. And remember this story from O Canada? Shudder.

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