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Menino using Bush playbook on second-guessing?

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I watched and listened to most of yesterday's press conference announcing the Turner Broadcasting settlement over last week's Aqua Hunger mishap...and I'm still a bit confused about one part of the political talky talk -- Boston Mayor Thomas Menino's protestation proclamation: "The folks who second-guessed us because we did go out there and do our work, shame on them, because it's important that we did it."

Shame on them? The second-guessers? Shame on anyone who even remotely considers what happened Jan. 31 an overreaction? Sounds like something the Bush Administration would say about the war in Iraq. If you're not with us, you're against us kinda logic working in both cases. So...if Jan. 31 doesn't count as an overreaction, what does? Having your police officers shoot and kill innocent Red Sox fans such as Victoria Snelgrove? Ahem.

Turner Broadcasting settled for $2 million, or $600,000 less than the cost of a 30-second ad at the Super Bowl, and about $3.1 million less than what Menino's city paid out to settle with the Snelgroves.


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