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Friday Fun Videos

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No Groundhogs! Here are some timely videos for your Friday afternoon...

Zebro, an Emerson College comedy troupe, weighs in on Boston's false-alarm terror alert. Note: Includes profanity.

One of two videos showing the sign installation. This one has faster music, regular speed, in other cities, but with a Pac-Man remix.

The other video, this one showing the Boston sign artists/culprits, in action:

Hey, look! A video that's not about the Boston alert of Jan. 31! Meet Chris Coxen. Or rather, meet Chris Coxen's League of Characters, who'll be on display this Saturday at the BCA. Here is his trailer for the show:

Now, even more comedy! The Walsh Brothers, two of the funniest guys in Boston, are about to leave their Charlestown roots for Los Angeles. But not before a grand farewell, with a show Saturday night in New York City at the UCB, then two weekends at Jimmy Tingle's in Somerville. Here is their sales pitch, skinny dipping in Boston Harbor, with requisite profanity (duly noted for your attention).

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