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For all of the quirkiness in Boston's media scene, and despite my love for Seattle (where I lived and worked from 1995-2001), it doesn't look as though now is the right time to go back. The dogfight between the P-I and the Times appears to be on its last doglegs. Boston remains much more of a two-newspaper town, not just in legal business terms (no JOA here), but also in terms of philosophy and readership. The two Seattle dailies, however, tended to appeal to the same readers. And after a dreadful strike at the end of 2000 -- which no one really won -- and seeing the Times move to mornings, anyone could see that it would come to this eventually. Whenever I think it might be difficult coming into the office, I remember what it must have and still does feel like for P-I reporters to come in, not knowing how long their paper will last without its own business staff to fight for it. Keep on fighting the good fight out there. And I'll do the same here.

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