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Good News Bunting

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Very pleased to see my college writing friend, Sarah D. Bunting, cash in on this newfangled Internet craze. Bravo announced yesterday it had purchased Bunting's Television Without Pity site (read news about it here or here). They've already got it linked from the TV network's home page! And the TWoP has a statement about the big buy here.

Sarah and I go back to the olden times, back when the Internet was merely a secret government project, back when we would co-write and publish a definitive student guide to Princeton. I convinced Sarah to write for me as I published one semester of the Student Course Guide (Tangent: Having all of this online makes it so much easier to coordinate than back in those olden times! Oh well.). Sarah then convinced me to join her on the staff of the college's alt-paper, Nassau Weekly (co-founded by David Remnick, for you trivia buffs!), where I became a resident Page 2 humor columnist. That, of course, helped send me on my way into a fun-filled adventure into the world of real-world journalism. So, yes, blame/credit Sars for some of the pithy prose I've brought unto the world. I'm going to go with credit on this one.

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