Human Space Invaders
Published Wednesday, July 19, 2006 by seanlmccarthy | E-mail this post
Saw this mentioned yesterday on
Rocketboom (which reminds me, I do have something to say about that whole drama, too) and just had to share it with you.
Space Invaders goes the Soylent Green route...IT'S PEOPLE!!!
Not sure which is more impressive/amusing/puzzling -- that the Swiss love the old Space Invaders arcade game
this much, that they could convince enough people to undergo this exercise, or that so many of us would willingly sit and watch this instead of playing the game ourselves. Enough talk. Let's get to the action!
RELATED:The folks at Not So Noisy, who are responsible for all of this, explain it in French.
Or you can
PLAY the game on your computer.