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In case you weren't already in the habit of picking up a Boston Herald or linking to it each morning online, here is a recap of news and notes from me this week...

Deborah Henson-Conant has some mad harp skills. Check her out at Jimmy Tingle's this month.

Cyanide Valentine, "my new favorite band" of 2005, has dissolved into a solo act. Or morphed. Well, really, it's all how you view the band. If you think of it as Jake and a bunch of rotating guest musicians, then Cyanide Valentine will continue same as it ever was. But if you thought of it as a duo, Jake and Wendy, then insert proverbial not so much comment here. In various e-mail exchanges, Jake said that he will continue on solo for at least the next few gigs until he figures out what sounds he wants for the next album and what help he'll need for it. Now I need a new excuse to say hi to Wendy.

Emerson College has begun letting folks get a peek at its new American Comedy Archives. I, for one, think it's a great idea. They're trying to collect as many oral histories on video from the old guard comics of the early and mid-20th century while they still can. They missed out on Richard Pryor, though. What they could really use is primary source material -- original manuscripts, records, discs, videos of live performances. Just thinking about having one room or building in which you could access any comic...yes, me likes this idea.

Bill Meikle is miffed that Philadelphia wants to take all of the credit for Benjamin Franklin, since Big Ben was born 300 years ago this coming Tuesday in downtown Boston. Read a bit of his ranting here (and yes, he really does poke fun at Mayor Menino).

Bob Marley performs at the Comedy Connection and talks to me about all sorts of funny stuff. No, not that Bob Marley. This Bob Marley.

Yesterday was Friday the 13th. Why are you making such a big fuss about it? And how could you have fun in Boston by playing off of that theme, if you really tried to make a theme night out of it?

What else is going on around town this weekend? Here is a roundup of interesting events for you.

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