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Some people would say that all movie trailers lie in one form or another. They may mislead you into thinking a comedy is funnier than it really is by putting all of the jokes in the trailer. They may use phony soundtrack music. They may splice scenes together from different parts of a movie, or sometimes even show you scenes that didn't make the final cut. But what gets me is when a movie out-and-out lies about its plot -- that's what I've seen in the two TV ads for Wolf Creek, a haunting horror that I saw earlier this month. The ads say that the guy likes to let people get away so he can hunt them down. What? Where did they get that idea? Not to reveal too much, but the bad guy in this movie says he is a hunter, and he don't like it when his prey turns tail, but "lets them get away"? Nope. Not even close. Watch these two trailers online (which are much longer and thereby fall under the category of hey, why don't you just tell me the whole movie in the trailer category) then tell me what you think after seeing the movie when it comes out on Dec. 25.

Related: Wolf Creek official movie site

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