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My 2006 fun run

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Some people never get to enjoy their work. I have thoroughly enjoyed every step on my crazy career path, including the past two years in Boston, where I got to meet a lot of interesting people, including Playboy's December 2005 Playmate Christine Smith (shown here clearly enjoying my company! And notice how I have pen and paper at the ready!).


Over the past 12 months, in particular, my life and my work increasingly revolved around celebrities.

Among the famous people whose lives and mine intertwined: Maud Adams, Ben Affleck, Dave Attell, Greg Behrendt, Maria Bello, Mike Birbiglia, Lewis Black, Josh Blue, Alonzo Bodden, Eddie Brill, the Broken Lizard guys, Albert Brooks, Jerry Bruckheimer, Bill Burr, Nic Cage, Cedric the Entertainer, Anthony Clark, Lenny Clarke, George Clooney, Sasha Cohen, Dane Cook, Allen Coulter, David Copperfield, Cindy Crawford, Nick DiPaolo, James Ellroy, Mike Epps, Craig Ferguson, Will Ferrell, Christian Finnegan, Jim Florentine, Harrison Ford, Matthew Fox, Judah Friedlander, Jim Gaffigan, Rande Gerber, Greg Giraldo, Bobcat Goldthwait, Al Gore, Gilbert Gottfried, Paul Greengrass, Christopher Guest, Gary Gulman, Chelsea Handler, DJ Hazard, D.L. Hughley, Mike Hoffman, Dom Irrera, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Grace Jones, Val Kappa, Barry Katz, Robert Kelly, Brian Kiley, Robert Klein, Johnny Knoxville, Larry the Cable Guy, Denis Leary, Jim Lehrer, Wendy Liebman, Eugene Levy, Richard Lewis, Josh Lucas, Stephen Lynch, Kelly MacFarland, Howie Mandel, Bob Marley, Marc Maron, Demetri Martin, Ralphie May, Mike McCready, Carlos Mencia, Eugene Mirman, Barbara Nedeljakova, Jim Norton, Patrice Oneal, Patton Oswalt, Todd Phillips, Paula Poundstone, Rain Pryor, Colin Quinn, Brian Regan, Joe Rogan, David Lee Roth, Eli Roth, Dan Sally, Ryan Seacrest, Jane Seymour, Harry Shearer, Michael Showalter, Sarah Silverman, Sinbad, Bobby Slayton, Kevin Smith, Fran Solomita, Sylvester Stallone, Doug Stanhope, Oliver Stone, Meryl Streep, Wanda Sykes, Tony V, Wally the Green Monster, the Walsh Brothers, Damon Wayans, Johnny Weir, Katt Williams and Steven Wright.

I also got to meet plenty of regular and extraordinary folks, playing one-on-one with a Harlem Globetrotter, spending a night as a clown in the Ringling Bros. circus, cavorting about town with a bachelorette party on a bus, watching the World Cup finale on Boston's Hanover Street in the increasingly Italian North End, watching the Red Sox home opener from the fanciest seats in Fenway, watching the Bruins from the bench, checking out new restauarant openings, magazine launches, nightclub parties, all of the comedians I've come to know, love and loathe before and after the Boston Comedy Festival, and of course, the aforementioned night on the town with some Playboy Playmates. It has been a fun run, indeed, and I look forward to even bigger and better adventures to blog about in 2007!
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