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BUSY DAYS, BUSIER NIGHTS: Lots of stories in the production line, but you don't want to hear any excuses. Let's just get to it.

Boston Herald columnist Beth Teitell referenced me in her discussion today of that classic question, "How was your summer?" Not so important what I told Beth, or how she quoted me, as much as the general point I was trying to make. That question isn't so simple, although people who ask "How was your summer?" expect a simple answer (great, good, ok), much like most colleagues and acquaintances don't really want to hear your actual answer to the classic introductory chit-chat question, "How are you doing?" When talking about your summer, you usually go with your first instinct answer, when really, so many different things happen in one's life over the course of June, July and August, that you could have a terrible two months and one beyond magical month. But this is much too much talk about summer, when there are still a few days left to change your answers. So get to it, people!

Tuesday night I attended the "VIP" reception for the Taste of Boston, up in the State Room high atop 60 State Street. VIP, I guess, is code for open bar -- at least in this instance. Don't worry, Mom (and my probation officer!). Me no drinky drinky. Especially since I'm on the birthday boot camp plan. More on that later. Cannot say I dressed like a VIP, but I sure felt like one tonight when I met the New England Patriots cheerleaders at a private meet-and-greet function at Boston Billiards Club. The power of the press, like any power, easily corrupts, if you're not careful. Don't worry, blog fans. I'm careful. Be on the lookout for the fruits of my labor soon.

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