SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE, COXEN AND JOHNSON: Hold those titters. This is a review of the two-man sketch show by Chris Coxen and Nate Johnson from Saturday night at Jimmy Tingle's Off Broadway in Somerville.
They packed the intimate basement theater space (about 200 folk, including a few dozen of the duo's closest friends and family). And they put on a funny show. Silly, goofy fun. I was impressed. They used lots of videos to help break up the show, many to great comic effect. Stand-up Dan Sally survived the always-dreaded-but-played-for-laughs "volunteer heckler." The Walsh Brothers (or is it Bros.) made the most of their short stage time. It all makes me more excited to write more about the Boston comedy scene -- which couldn't come at a better time, as the Boston Comedy Festival is less than two weeks away. To recap, then, check any of these guys out. They're all worth a look, listen and laugh.