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HOW DARE YOU, LENNY KRAVITZ: How dare you, Lenny Kravitz. For years -- nay, for more than a decade -- I have defended your music against the criticisms of friends, foes and those foreign to your retro rock ways. Then you turn on me. How dare you. You and your little lady song. I saw you with the lady song first on a Gap ad. Then I heard you perform it live twice on separate awards shows, and thought to meself: Wow, that's not much of a song, is it? Jingle? Yes. Song? No. But the Gap ad showed up again, followed by even more frequency by ads teasing the new season of Alias (Why must we wait until January for Alias? Oh, right. JJ Abrams had to work on the debut for Lost, which is quite good. You should watch it.). Even radio is playing this ditty. Why? Oh, God, why? And now it's stuck in my head. Thank you, Lenny Kravitz. No. Change that. How dare you, Lenny Kravitz. How...dare...you.

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