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New Jersey's governor is gay? Fuggedaboutit!

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Or for you even more politically incorrect folks, faggotaboutit. Wow. That was politically incorrect, indeed. My bad. This was one of those good news, bad news days for gay politics.
Headline: He's here, he's queer, don't get used to it, because he's resigning. The announcement this afternoon that New Jersey Gov. James McGreevey was resigning and outing himself at the same time is crazy on so many levels, I'm not sure where to begin. Oh, yes. How about here? It turns out his decision was political, not personal. Who woulda thunk it? In his speech, McGreevey blames "the circumstances surrounding the affair and its likely impact upon my family and my ability to govern," which makes it sound like New Jersey could not handle a Queer Gov for the Straight Jackets. Truth is, McGreevey may be more concerned about the federal indictments on two of his fund-raisers for charges including extortion and using prostitutes to derail a tax fraud investigation. And a sexual misconduct lawsuit pending against him by the guy he had the affair with.
Now if the prostitutes were gay gigolos, well, then...that's a spicy meatball! Or not. WWTSD? (What would Tony Soprano do?)

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